5 Costs To Expect When Applying To CRNA School

I get asked this question often, “how much does it cost to apply to CRNA school”? While there is no concrete way to answer this question, we can estimate what the cost could be. Of course, the cost will vary for each applicant depending on the program and location. And if an applicant applies to multiple CRNA programs it can really add up. For applicants interested in applying to CRNA school, here are some expenses to expect. Some of the expenses include application fees, interview, travel and lodging expenses.

Read: How to Become A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)

Preparing for the CCRN exam

While not a requirement for all CRNA programs, the CCRN exam is a reliable indicator of competence in ICU nursing. Attending a nurse anesthesia program also requires a great deal of motivation and determination. Therefore, obtaining the CCRN certification will show you are both serious about becoming a CRNA in addition to validating your competence.

While the actual cost of the CCRN exam is often expensive, prospective students tend to spend more money preparing for the exam. These test prep services can range from $100 to well over $300 for in- person or online prep courses.

Read:9 Ways to Immediately Become The Strongest CRNA Applicant

Taking the CCRN exam

Prospective CRNA students can save money by becoming a member of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN). The cost of the CCRN exam is $344. But for those who join the AACN, the cost is $239. When you belong to the AACN, you will get the latest research, evidence based practices and unlimited free continuing education (CE’s).

Transcript costs

Usually undergraduate transcripts from all colleges attended will be required when applying to CRNA school. To obtain your transcripts, you will have to contact the college’s Registrar’s Office. Some colleges may electronically send your transcripts. Be sure to visit the schools website for more information. Usually transcripts are inexpensive but if applying to multiple programs it can begin to add up quickly. The processing fee can range from $3.00 to $10.00. Also don’t forget some schools may charge for shipping.

Application costs

Medical schools share a general application process with a set fee. But there is no centralized application process when applying to nurse anesthesia school, therefore the application fee for each individual program is different. The application fee typically ranges anywhere from $50 to $100.

Interview costs

Congratulations if you obtain an interview at a CRNA program. But be ready for the added expenses which is often the most expensive part of the application process. These costs can include interview attire, food, lodging, and travel expenses. This could easily cost between $200  on up $1000 if the prospective student interviews at more than one school and/ or just air travel alone. Of course, interviewing at a local CRNA program is more ideal cost wise but is not always possible.

Bottom Line

While most prospective students are focused on the overall cost of attending CRNA school, the cost to apply can be expensive as well. The total cost could be as little as $600 for local schools and close to $2000 when interviewing at multiple schools. Of course in the grand scheme of things, the cost of applying to a CRNA program is minor in relation to the total cost of attending a CRNA program. Be sure to start saving money early for these expected expenses so there is one less thing to stress about. This will allow you to just focus on nailing the interview and becoming a future CRNA!

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