Managing Stress During Your CRNA Journey And Beyond

Realizing your purpose and knowing with absolute certainty you desire to be a CRNA is a wonderful feeling, but actually getting there can bring about lots of stress. Therefore, managing stress during your CRNA journey is a must. It doesn’t matter what route you take to get there, the journey can affect us all. As you juggle the demands of your job as a nurse and family, it becomes even more difficult.

A huge stressor while on the CRNA Journey is money or finances. Yes, it will likely be costly. The fees along your CRNA journey is going to be your biggest expense. These fees usually include ordering transcripts, taking prerequisite courses, and those costly application fees. Not to mention food, lodging, and travel when the time comes to interview.

Money after getting accepted to CRNA school will cause even more stress. This is why starting out on the right foot now is very important. Begin to think of ways to save for those expected expenses like:

• Making your own coffee
• Bag your own lunch
• Take control of credit cards now
• Take public transportation

Start living more responsibly by making smart decisions while on your CRNA Journey. Your stress level will decrease significantly knowing you are prepared for the expenses and have a plan. Read up on other ways to de-stress.

As you find your way on your CRNA Journey, you may feel lonely since others may not understand your true purpose. If you ever feel isolated, reach out to others who understand you and your desires. And definitely stay clear of the negative ones. Developing a strong support system is crucial to get through CRNA school and managing stress. Begin to put yours together now.

If the anxiety and stress becomes too much as you prepare to become a CRNA, step back and take a breather. Take time for yourself. This may refresh your mind long enough to handle the next task at hand. Find what reduces your stress and restores your inner being. Give yourself permission to have a life outside of wanting to become a CRNA.

It’s very important to just take care of YOU while on the CRNA Journey. Because this is definitely not a sprint, it will be a marathon which you WILL complete. Now, find what works for you. STAY THE COURSE. AND BECOME A CRNA.

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