Why I Started This Blog

Hello! I’m Kiki, wife, mom of three kids and a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). I am also the founder of Priority First Anesthesia and the blog TheCRNAChase.com.

My Journey

I never set out to become a blogger. In fact, this whole blogging idea came from a million other ideas but mostly from my journey to become a CRNA. But as I do with anything in life. WHY NOT start a blog?

This journey began in 2011 when I made a decision to submit my first application to nurse anesthesia school. As a result, I did get two interviews that year but neither quite panned out for me. I felt defeated for the first time and momentarily lost that WHY NOT mentality.

Again, I quietly bowed out and said this is not for me, I CAN’T do this. I hung up my gloves until 2014 when the nurse anesthetist bug bit once more and I said WHY NOT again? And low and behold I was accepted into a nurse anesthesia program and graduated in 2018. Woo- Hoo!!! As I start this blog I am finishing up my 1st year as a CRNA practicing in SC.

Why I Started TheCRNAChase.com

These past few years I have enjoyed helping aspiring nurse anesthetists work towards becoming a CRNA and continue the WHY NOT mantra. It’s my hope that TheCRNAChase.com will help lots of future CRNAs gain a better understanding of the nurse anesthesia world. I want to empower and share all I have learned for you to become a stronger nurse anesthesia applicant.

I hope this blog gives those desiring to become a CRNA the guts, inspiration and most importantly the resources needed to follow your dreams. More than anything, my desire if to challenge you to stay the course, follow your dreams because we definitely need more great CRNAs in this world!

For more helpful information to prepare for a nurse anesthesia career check out this website.

Welcome to The CRNA Chase!!!

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