5 Amazing Freedoms You Could Enjoy as a CRNA

In this video I’m going to talk about how becoming a CRNA can bring a lot of freedom into your life. So if you’ve never met me before, I’m Kiki- I’m a CRNA and the founder of the CRNA Chase, which I’m extremely excited about because I get to empower, inspire, educate, coach, and mentor critical care nurses to become CRNAs so they can become 6-figure nurses.

So, today’s topic is really important for what teach within the CRNA Chase and the Future CRNA Blueprint Program. It’s all about becoming a CRNA without the overwhelm and start living in your purpose.


What Does Freedom Look Like to Me

So what does freedom look like? Well, freedom will look different for everybody, right? So for me, I’m gonna tell you what freedom looks like.

In my eyes, this looks like more time to do the things that I love to do which would be like going to NBA basketball games because I’m like a huge sports fanatic. Really basketball, it’s like my thing. Also being able to see my girls participate in collegiate volleyball is a big thing for me. Also making more money while doing less. We all want that, right?

Also working wherever I want to work is important and that’s what I consider freedom. Being my own boss as a small business owner. Working in any specialty area that I want to work in. For instance, if I only wanted to work in pediatrics then maybe I would just work in a pediatric hospital. Also giving back in the form of maybe volunteering, donations, philanthropy. Whatever that looks like for you. To me, that’s what freedom looks like.

The Secret to This Type of Freedom

One of the ways to gain this type of freedom is by becoming a CRNA where you can do all these things and more. So today, I’m going to help you see where you could be. And the way to do that is by the secret that I’ve been keeping all to myself. This big secret. I figured it out a long time ago and I’ve lived by this ever since- the big secret is to be persistent and stay consistent. That’s my big secret.

So that means you need to show up no matter what, no matter what’s going on in your life, you need to be faithful to your dreams and you need to not rush the process. Because what ends up happening is you rush the process and in the meantime, you just give up altogether. Now here’s what I mean when you rush things. You’re just really praying and wishing and hoping that it’s gonna work out alright. For instance, you might say, let me randomly apply to this CRNA school, or let me just hurry up and put this CV together.

S, let me work on this personal statement so I can get it submitted real quick which by the way, I do Personal statement and CV reviews if you ever want a review. What if you forgot to get a reference from your nurse manager. You might be like, well, I’m not gonna worry about it. I’ll just get one from the nurse working beside me and God knows what she’s going to say about you versus staying persistent and consistent where you’re showing up. You’re not only being faithful that it’s going to work out as planned, but you’re also living in your purpose. Which by the way leads to you taking massive action, which in turn increases your odds of success.

How You Can Stay Persistent  & Consistent

Well, there are a number of ways to stay persistent. This is what I had to do in order to stay persistent prior to going to CRNA school.

  • I had to really stop listening to the naysayers and ignore all the detractors because we already know they’re gonna be there, right? Everybody’s not going to be encouraging and want the best for you. So you have to first ignore that.

  • You also want to look at your setbacks differently. So that means you can’t look at setbacks as, oh, it’s not meant to be for me. I can’t do it. This is too hard. I’m not smart enough or I’m a failure. You can’t look at it like that. You really need to look at your setbacks as an opportunity to grow. To advance I like to look at these setbacks as, but the next time I’ll get it right. So again, just think about it as an opportunity and that you’re gonna get there eventually. That’s how I want you to look at your setbacks.

  • You also need to set goals and not just any old goal. You really want your goal to be very intentional goals. You want to write it down. You want to place it somewhere where you can see it. It needs to be really at the forefront of your thought every day. You need to really see it., and not only see it, but you also need to start breaking it down into smaller goals. So in my program, The Future CRNA Blueprint, which by the way, enrollment opens in a few weeks, I even show you a better, more effective way to set goals. And I think you’re gonna really love it.

  • So if you tend to be that type of person where you rush the process, you give up easily when things not working now, that just means you really need, we need to really work on how to get you out of this way of thinking. This is known as limited thinking. We need to get you out of that. So this is why this is so important. It’s one of the first pillars in my program- to defeat limited thinking. This is big! A very, very important topic because if you don’t get a hold of your limited thinking right now, it will derail what you’re trying to accomplish which is to be a CRNA.

  • So when you start rushing the process, you don’t get the results you need right away. You also end up losing motivation and momentum and you give up on your dream altogether and you will also never reach your full potential. I know this all too well because I’m gonna tell you a quick story. So before I became a CRNA, when I was in the application phase I applied to these random schools, right? I mean I did a little bit of research but honestly, I was just hoping, wishing, and praying I would get into a program. So I was just rushing everything. I never completely had a perfect CV. I never had a perfect personal statement I don’t know if anything could be perfect but it never was quite, the best it could be honestly. And so I just wasn’t prepared even when though I luckily got a couple of interviews. But when I got to the interview I wasn’t prepared because I hadn’t done the research, the proper research, on the schools.

So I’m pretty sure you know what happened? I didn’t get accepted. And so I vowed that I would never interview again because it hurts so bad. I put off being the CRNA for three years. Like I refused to even talk about it to anybody. I had planned to switch careers and do still stay in nursing but become like a nursing informatics person right? And I just had a thought if I had not to rush the process and instead became more strategic and persistent. More doubt and whatever you wanna call it, I would have become a CRNA four years sooner like four years sooner. Which by what my salary is, that’s like $1 million. And I know money isn’t everything but it is like one of my areas of freedom right? Like that’s $1 million.

I just thought about that. But I know you’re wondering, Kiki, like what does this have to do with creating more freedom in my life? It has everything to do with it because if you’re not persistent you will never become a CRNA and therefore you will never experience the freedom I have and so many other CRNAs I know have. And now remember freedom looks different for everybody.

5 Examples of What Freedoms You Could Enjoy as a CRNA

So I’m gonna start with myself first. I’m gonna be the first example. So prior to becoming a CRNA I was a lifelong learner which means I was constantly taking classes or courses. I got five degrees all the way from General Engineering to Surgical Technology, Nursing Associates, Nursing Bachelor’s degree, and Nurse Anesthesia. Like I got all those degrees. I was always on the go. I was just busting my butt every day, right?

  1. And so you already know for me freedom in the form of time is probably at the top of my list. I’m just gonna be honest with you. It is what it is. My time is very important because I feel like I’ve lost a lot of time over the years. So when I finished school I looked for a CRNA job where I could take off anytime I wanted to. I also looked for a job where if I left early, got done early for the day then I would still get my eight hours minimum pay. So that’s what I have in my job right now.

  2. Now, this could also tie into freedom in the form of money as well as time. So, I have a friend who’s a CRNA in West Virginia. Her name is Ruby- shout out to Ruby. It’s like me and Ruby have been through it together. So when she finished school she was a single parent. And the type of freedom that she was looking for is the freedom to spend time with her daughter and be there for her daughter in case anything ever happened, she needed to be off work or anything. So, she took a position that she’s guaranteed I think at least six weeks paid vacation. And so she also has a position where she works no weekends, no calls, no holidays. She works from 7-3:30. That was really important to her.

  3. Now another CRNA that I know and that I work with- I can’t speak completely for him- but I know he loves the freedom of having money to do whatever he wants to do. So finding a job that compensates well for the area and type of job was important for him. I’m pretty sure also it could be important if you had like you know a bonus attached to that or relocation expenses paid that probably is important too. Of course, again that would depend on the area you live in but in my area you know we’re talking about $190,000 for a W2 CRNA versus maybe $250,000+ for a 1099 independent contractor CRNA per year. So that just gives you an idea. Now let’s say you wanted the freedom to work in whatever specialty you wanted to work in.

  4. Now, this makes me think about a CRNA that I met way back in the day years ago before I became a CRNA. Her name is Angela. I met her probably like 2003, again a long time ago. But Angela loves pediatrics, she loves kids. No, I don’t like them like that. So, this definitely wouldn’t be my type of freedom for me. But Angela loves working with kids. So, anyway in her position, you’re going to find her working with the majority of pediatric patients because why not? It only makes sense that you would let someone work in the area that they are most comfortable in and that they prefer to work in and can provide the best care honestly. So, how about freedom to be your own boss?

  5. Now that’s a big one to me because now I can go back to myself on this one because I’m a 1099 independent contractor which means I’m also a small business owner. But, I’m also an employee of my own company. So that’s pretty cool too. So the benefits and the perks of being a small business owner for me, I can’t speak for any other people, but it’s been great for me financially because I can do tax write-offs and tax deductions. Also in terms of retirement because I’m an LLC with S-corp taxation I can put a lot more money away for my retirement because I took out all my 401K so I could go to CRNA school. So I’m playing catch-up right now. So it’s very important that I put as much money away into my retirement as possible. So I’m an LLC with S-Corp taxation.


Now as I begin to wrap this up, I hope you can now see some of the freedoms that becoming a CRNA can afford you. So my next question would be, what are you waiting for? What can you do right now to get the needle moving closer to you becoming a CRNA? Remember those mini-goals? Just got to check them off and keep it moving. So then you will be ready to join the Future CRNA Blueprint Program so we can begin working together when the doors open in a few weeks. 

About The Author

Although hundreds of critical care nurses visit Kiki’s blog each month to learn more about the CRNA profession, her path to becoming a CRNA was not easy. Go here to read her incredible story, “My CRNA Journey: Surgical Tech To CRNA- The Unbelievable“. For a complete guide that shows you exactly how to become a CRNA, grab a copy of the “Ultimate Guide to CRNA School Admission”. It’s FREE and will save you a ton of time and headaches since all the info you need is in one place.

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