
5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Focus So You Achieve Your Goals

Do you tend to set goals but never follow through? Guess what, It happens to me too. Been there and done that. 

And you know what this tends to happen whenever the New Year rolls around and we start making all these resolutions but struggle to stick with them. In fact, according to Forbes magazine, only 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions.

And so what I’ve found is this happens because we get overzealous or eventually just lose interest in our goals. 


So why is staying focused so difficult?

Well for one, we are busier now than ever. Especially when you’re working full time, have a family, and then also trying to get into a doctorate CRNA program.

And on top of that distractions are one click away on your laptop or phone. And if you’re like me even when it’s quiet it’s hard to turn my brain off even for a few minutes. 

But in order to grow and be successful, you need to be focused so you can get things done. 

Here are 5 ways to improve your mental focus

Well, the good news is- there is hope. There are some ways to improve your mental focus using some tips and tricks so you can get some of your goals checked off. And get closer to applying to CRNA school. 

  • I have found the best way to stick with anything is by remembering why I chose to do it in the first place. For some that may be to provide a better life for yourself or family, maybe you just want to take provide anesthesia care to those at their most vulnerable times or maybe you’re not even at the stage of applying to CRNA school and you just need to take this prerequisite- the why or reason is simple- you just want to return to get an A in the class so you can begin working on the application. 

So how do you find your why or purpose? Here’s an easy way. Your why statement is a sentence that clearly expresses your unique contribution and impact. The impact reflects the difference you want to make in the world, and the contribution is the primary action that you take towards making your impact.

  • Limit distractions because all this does is slow your progress down. The best way to do this is to turn off your notifications from smartphones and desktops applications. Also, start checking your email at designated times during the day.  Taking control of your devices is the best way to limit distractions and refocus your efforts on the tasks you need to complete.
  • Break your goal down into manageable chunks. An even better approach is to reverse engineer your goals. So if your goal is to get your CCRN certification. Then think of all the steps needed to make that happen. So researching the requirements. 
  • Surround yourself with like-minded people like you’re doing here. That way you get support, guidance, mentorship, accountability, and motivation all in one. You’re also with people with the same goals and vision so automatically you’re going to feed off each other. 
  • Set dates on your calendar so you have no excuses and are held accountable as well. Something I’ve been working on is creating my ideal week. 


If you have a hard time staying focused, just know you are not alone. I have listed some things so you can get busy tackling some of your goals today. I also cover so much more within the Future CRNA Inner Circle where you will be surrounded with like-minded people and have direct access to a CRNA mentor. 

About The Author

Although hundreds of critical care nurses visit Kiki’s blog each month to learn more about the CRNA profession, her path to becoming a CRNA was not easy. Go here to read her incredible story, “My CRNA Journey: Surgical Tech To CRNA- The Unbelievable“. For a complete guide that shows you exactly how to become a CRNA, grab a copy of the “Ultimate Guide to CRNA School Admission”. It’s FREE and will save you a ton of time and headaches since all the info you need is in one place.

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